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Gender Pay Gap: a data cube spreadsheet

The difference between male and female median earnings (gross hourly earnings excluding overtime) as a percentage of male earnings.

Ratio (Percentage) for values of measure type
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Measure Type
  1. Ratio
Reference Period
  1. 1997
  2. 1998
  3. 1999
  4. 2000
  5. 2001
  6. 2002
  7. 2003
  8. 2004
  9. 2005
  10. 2006
  11. 2007
  12. 2008
  13. 2009
  14. 2010
  15. 2011
  16. 2012
  17. 2013
  18. 2014
  19. 2015
  20. 2016
  21. 2017
  22. 2018
  23. 2019
  24. 2020
  25. 2021
Working Pattern
  1. All Patterns
  2. Full Time
  3. Part Time
Reference Area
(showing types of area available in these data)
  1. Countries
  2. Council Areas
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About the Dataset
Not supplied
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In dataset
Next update due
November 2022

This indicator measures the difference between male and female median earnings ( gross hourly earnings excluding overtime), expressed as a percentage of male earnings. Estimates are workplace based and cover employees on adult rates whose pay for the survey pay-period was not affected by absence. The median and mean gross weekly earnings (before deductions for Tax & National Insurance) of full-time employees on adult rates, whose pay for the survey period was not affected by absence. For 2020 data, this has been expanded to include those who were not furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) but had their pay affected by absence. The self-employed are excluded from this study. This information is obtained from the Annual Survey of Hours & Earnings (ASHE). This is an Office for National Statistics (ONS) publication. For more information see ASHE Methodology and Guidance

Confidentiality Policy

This dataset does not contain any sensitive or personal information.

Quality Management

Results for 2003 and earlier exclude supplementary surveys.

In 2006 there were a number of methodological changes made. For further details go to the NOMIS website.

Further information about this data set can be located on the ONS website.

Accuracy and Reliability

As these estimates are obtained from a sample survey, the quality of each estimate is assessed by ONS using the coefficient of variation (CV). The CV is the ratio of the standard error of an estimate to the estimate itself and is expressed as a percentage. Estimates which have a CV of less than or equal to 5% are considered ‘precise’. Estimates where the CV is greater than 5% and less than or equal to 10% are considered reasonable quality while estimates with a CV of greater than 10% and less than or equal to 20% are considered lower quality and should be used with caution. Where the CV of an estimate is greater than 20% then the estimate is considered unreliable and is not shown. Estimates which are considered to be of reasonable quality and estimates that are considered to be of lower quality have been included in this dataset. No indication of their reliability is provided. Quality measure indications, for all estimates, are published by ONS at Gender Pay Gap

Coherence and Comparability

The Scottish Government publishes reports which present analysis on the labour market at Scotland and sub-Scotland levels. Earnings tables in excel format from the same sources can be accessed at the Scottish Government website.

Accessibility and Clarity

Statistics from ASHE are presented in reports and spreadsheets available on the Scottish Goverment's website.


The Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) is the official source of UK earnings and hours worked estimates. ASHE data is published annually by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and is based on a 1 per cent sample of employee jobs from HM Revenue and Customs Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system.

Timeliness and Punctuality

Information is published annually.


All estimates for 2019 are provisional and relate to the reference date 11 April 2019. 2018 data was revised in November 2019 and is no longer provisional. All estimates for 2020 are provisional and relate to the reference date of 22 April 2020. 2019 data was revised in July 2021 and is no longer provisional. 2020 data was revised on 26 October 2021 and is no longer provisional. All estimates for 2021 are provisional and relate to the reference date of 21 April 2021.

Three years combined data was previously published to improve the robustness of this indicator. The combined data is no longer used in this dataset, and instead the data is for single years only in line with other published data for this dataset.


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Dimensions Linked Data

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Dimension Locked Value
Reference Period
Working Pattern
Part Time
Reference Area
(not locked to a value)
Measure Type
(not locked to a value)