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Deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19): a data cube column

The weekly, and year to date, provisional number of deaths associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) registered in Scotland.

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About the Dataset
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Next update due
Every Thursday

This dataset presents the weekly, and year to date, provisional number of deaths associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) alongside the total number of deaths registered in Scotland, broken down by age, sex. Tables and commentary for this publication are also available on the NRS website.

Deaths involving COVID-19 include any deaths where COVID-19 is mentioned on the death certificate, whether it is the underlying cause of death or a contributory condition. These figures also include deaths where ‘suspected’ or ‘probable’ COVID-19 appears on the death certificate. The relevant ICD-10 codes for these causes of death are U07.1 and U07.2.

Figures are based on date of registration. In Scotland deaths must be registered within 8 days although in practice, the average time between death and registration is around 3 days. See the NRS website for more information on days between occurrence and registration.

Health Board and Local Authority figures include non-residents. Deaths are allocated to areas based on the usual residence of the deceased. If the deceased was not a Scottish resident, the death is allocated to the area where the death occurred.

Figures on average total deaths of corresponding week over 2014-2019 are presented here for comparison. This average is based on the actual number of death registrations recorded for each corresponding week over those five years. Moveable public holidays, when registration offices are closed, affect the number of registrations made in the published weeks and in the corresponding weeks in previous years.


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