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Looked After Children: a data cube column

Information about the number of looked after children by type of care setting.

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About the Dataset
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Next update due
May 2024

Local authorities have a responsibility to provide support to certain vulnerable young people. These young people are known as 'looked after children' (they were previously known as 'children in care or under supervision').

This indicator provides information on the type of accomodation younger looked after children are placed in while under the care of the local authority. The two broad types of accommodation are in the community and residential. Possible types of community accommodation are: At home with parent(s), With friends/relatives who are not approved foster carers. Also referred to as ‘kinship care’, With foster carers, With prospective adopters and Other community. Other community includes supported accommodation and hospital at birth. Possible types of residential accommodation are: Local authority home, Voluntary home, Residential school, Secure accommodation, Crisis care (such as a women’s refuge, hostel for offenders) and Other residential (a known residential setting but does not fit with listed Residential categories).

Further information on Child Social Work statistics is available on the Scottish Government website


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