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Crime Clear up Rates: a data cube column

Crimes cleared up by the police as a percentage of those recorded.

Crime Or Offence
  1. All Crimes
  2. All Group 1: Non-sexual crimes of violence
  3. All Group 2: Sexual crimes
  4. All Group 3: Crimes of dishonesty
  5. All Group 4: Damage and reckless behaviour
  6. All Group 5: Crimes against society
  7. All Group 6: Antisocial offences
  8. All Group 7: Miscellaneous offences
  9. Crimes: Group 1: Common assault
  10. Crimes: Group 1: Death by dangerous driving
  11. Crimes: Group 1: Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018
  12. Crimes: Group 1: Murder and culpable homicide
  13. Crimes: Group 1: Other non-sexual violence
  14. Crimes: Group 1: Robbery
  15. Crimes: Group 1: Serious assault and attempted murder
  16. Crimes: Group 2: Causing to view sexual activity or images
  17. Crimes: Group 2: Communicating indecently
  18. Crimes: Group 2: Crimes associated with prostitution
  19. Crimes: Group 2: Indecent photos of children
  20. Crimes: Group 2: Other sexual crimes
  21. Crimes: Group 2: Rape & attempted rape
  22. Crimes: Group 2: Sexual assault
  23. Crimes: Group 2: Threatening to or disclosing intimate images
  24. Crimes: Group 3: Fraud
  25. Crimes: Group 3: Housebreaking
  26. Crimes: Group 3: Other dishonesty
  27. Crimes: Group 3: Other theft
  28. Crimes: Group 3: Shoplifting
  29. Crimes: Group 3: Theft by opening lockfast places
  30. Crimes: Group 3: Theft from a motor vehicle
  31. Crimes: Group 3: Theft of a motor vehicle
  32. Crimes: Group 4: Fire-raising
  33. Crimes: Group 4: Reckless conduct
  34. Crimes: Group 4: Vandalism
  35. Crimes: Group 5: Crimes against public justice
  36. Crimes: Group 5: Drugs - Possession
  37. Crimes: Group 5: Drugs - Supply
  38. Crimes: Group 5: Other crimes against society
  39. Crimes: Group 5: Weapons possession (not used)
  40. Crimes: Group 5: Weapons possession (used)
  41. Offences: Group 6: Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct
  42. Offences: Group 6: Racially aggravated conduct
  43. Offences: Group 6: Threatening and abusive behaviour
  44. Offences: Group 6: Urinating etc.
  45. Offences: Group 7: Community and public order offences
  46. Offences: Group 7: Environmental offences
  47. Offences: Group 7: Licensing offences
  48. Offences: Group 7: Other misc. offences
  49. Offences: Group 7: Wildlife offences
Measure Type
  1. Percent
Reference Period
  1. 1996/1997
  2. 1997/1998
  3. 1998/1999
  4. 1999/2000
  5. 2000/2001
  6. 2001/2002
  7. 2002/2003
  8. 2003/2004
  9. 2004/2005
  10. 2005/2006
  11. 2006/2007
  12. 2007/2008
  13. 2008/2009
  14. 2009/2010
  15. 2010/2011
  16. 2011/2012
  17. 2012/2013
  18. 2013/2014
  19. 2014/2015
  20. 2015/2016
  21. 2016/2017
  22. 2017/2018
  23. 2018/2019
  24. 2019/2020
  25. 2020/2021
  26. 2021/2022
  27. 2022/2023
Reference Area
(showing types of area available in these data)
  1. Countries
  2. Council Areas

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Cross section spreadsheet
(ie all possible values for Crime or Offence dimension)
Time series spreadsheet
(ie all possible values for Reference Period dimension)
Cross section spreadsheet
(ie all possible values for measure type dimension)
Entire dataset
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About the Dataset
Not supplied
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In dataset
Next update due
June 2024

Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland, including clear up rates recorded by Police Scotland.

This data covers the percentage of recorded crimes and offences that were cleared up by the police in Scotland between 1996/97 to 2022/23 and by Local Authority.

Crimes cleared up by the police as a percentage of crimes recorded. For more information on recorded crime figures see the Scottish Government Recorded Crime in Scotland website.

The definition of “cleared up” is noted below. This definition came into force with effect from 1 April 1996.

A crime or offence is regarded as cleared up where there exists a sufficiency of evidence under Scots law, to justify consideration of criminal proceedings.

Clear up rates are calculated as follows: (number of recorded crimes cleared up in year y / total number of recorded crimes in year y) x 100.

Crimes or offences recorded by the police as cleared up in one financial year, year y, may have been committed and therefore recorded in a previous year, i.e. year y-1. This means that the number of crimes and offences cleared up are being expressed as a percentage of a different set of crimes or offences. This means that clear up rates in excess of 100% can arise in a given year.

The statistical return from which the data are taken is a simple count of the numbers of crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police. Returns are submitted quarterly from Police Scotland at local authority level which allows a national total to be obtained.

Crimes and offences are included against the year in which they are recorded by the police. This is not necessarily the year in which the crime or offence took place, the year in which the accused is brought to trial for the crime or offence, or the year in which the case is finally disposed of by the courts.

Note: An errata was published on 19th September - due to an IT issue, a small number of crimes were not included in the originally published data. A total of ten crimes have been added to the 2022/23 recorded crime totals as a result. These crimes fall within the Weapons possession (not used) and Weapons possession (used) categories.

Amendments (such as the deletion of incidents found on investigation not to be criminal) which arise after the end of the financial year are not incorporated.

Contraventions of Scottish criminal law are divided for statistical purposes into crimes and offences. “Crime” is generally used for the more serious criminal acts; the less serious termed “offences”, although the term “offence” may also be used in relation to serious breaches of criminal law. The distinction is made only for working purposes and the “seriousness” of the offence is generally related to the maximum sentence that can be imposed. For further information see the Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland: user guide.


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Dimension Locked Value
Measure Type
Reference Period
Crime Or Offence
Crimes: Group 1: Serious assault and attempted murder
Reference Area
(not locked to a value)