Number of working age claimants of key benefits by age
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Working Age Client Group Data refers to numbers of Working Age Benefit Claimants and is derived from 100% source; the Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study (WPLS). The dataset provides counts of benefits claimants categorised by their statistical group (their main reason for interacting with the benefit system), gender and age. Double counting of claimants of multiple benefits has therefore been removed. Each claimant can only be assigned to one of the 8 groups, in the following priority order: Job Seekers Allowance claimants; Incapacity Benefit or Severe Disablement Allowance claimants; Lone Parents Income support claimants with a child under 16 and no partner; Carers Allowance claimants; Others on Income Related Benefit Other income support (including IS Disability premium) or Pension Credit claimants under State Pension age; Disabled Disability Living Allowance (DLA); Bereaved Widows Benefit, Bereavement Benefit or Industrial Death Benefit claimants; Unknown DLA data are not available until May 2002 and prior to this, claimants who would have appeared in the disabled category or below are classed as unknown. For example, a person who claims Income Support as a Lone Parent and also receives Incapacity Benefit would be classified into the Incapacity Benefits group. A small number of claimants have unknown age or gender, these claimants are included in the area total but are excluded from the age and gender breakdowns. For this reason, the derivations of variables do not always sum up to the total variable. At present Housing Benefit (HB), Council Tax Benefit (CTB) and Industrial Injuries Benefits are not included in WPLS. Quarterly datasets given are Q1-February,Q2-May,Q3-August and Q4-November. A large scale exercise has been carried out by DWP to produce a single address for every individual at any point in time. Geographic referencing was carried out by the DWP using an Address Matching and Reference Tool (Matchcode). Every effort has been made by the DWP to ensure that data do not allow the disclosure of confidential information. All counts have been adjusted using rounding to avoid the disclosure of any personal information and counts that are shown as zero may not be a real zero. For more information see the DWP website: . Source: DWP Information Directorate. Contact: email: Tel: 0191 225 5737. Data are subject to Crown Copyright and may only be reproduced where the source is fully acknowledged.
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Data structure definition | 1 |
Observation | 2,114,850 |
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