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[this is a data cube dataset] A data cube dataset in folders : Economic Activity, Benefits and Tax Credits, Social Security Scotland

Funeral Support Payment: Applications and Payments

Received applications, authorised applications and issued payments for Funeral Support Payment

View as a spreadsheet
Funeral Support Payment Indicator
  1. Applications authorised
  2. Applications received
  3. Payments issued
Measure Type
  1. Count
Reference Period
  1. 2019-09
  2. 2019-10
  3. 2019-11
  4. 2019-12
  5. 2020-01
  6. 2020-02
  7. 2020-03
  8. 2020-04
  9. 2020-05
  10. 2020-06
  11. 2020-07
  12. 2020-08
  13. 2020-09
  14. 2020-10
  15. 2020-11
  16. 2020-12
  17. 2021-01
  18. 2021-02
  19. 2021-03
  20. 2021-04
  21. 2021-05
  22. 2021-06
  23. 2021-07
  24. 2021-08
  25. 2021-09
  26. 2021-10
  27. 2021-11
  28. 2021-12
  29. 2022-01
  30. 2022-02
  31. 2022-03
  32. 2022-04
  33. 2022-05
  34. 2022-06
  35. 2022-07
  36. 2022-08
  37. 2022-09
  38. 2022-10
  39. 2022-11
  40. 2022-12
  41. 2023-01
  42. 2023-02
  43. 2023-03
  44. 2023-04
  45. 2023-05
  46. 2023-06
  47. 2023-07
  48. 2023-08
  49. 2023-09
  50. 2023-10
  51. 2023-11
  52. 2023-12
  53. 2024-01
  54. 2024-02
  55. 2024-03
  56. 2024-04
  57. 2024-05
  58. 2024-06
Reference Area
(showing types of area available in these data)
  1. Countries
Entire dataset
Note: These may be large files.
About the Dataset
Scottish Government
Scottish Government
In folders
Next update due
December 2024

The Funeral Support Payment is a single payment to help with the costs of a funeral. It replaced the Department for Work and Pensions’ Funeral Expense Payment in Scotland on the 16 September 2019. Applications were taken from this same day.

This dataset includes received applications, authorised applications and issued payments for the Funeral Support Payment benefit. Statistics are provided for the last day of the month (e.g. figures for 2019-09 are for applications received or authorised as of 30 September 2019).

Further information on application, processing times, redeterminations and appeals can be found in the associated publication

Confidentiality Policy

Figures have been rounded to the nearest five for disclosure control. Some values are missing from this dataset. These values have been suppressed where they would disclose fewer than five applications.

Quality Management

The data used to produce these statistics are extracted from the Social Security case management system. Extracts from this system are also used on a daily basis for internal reporting within Social Security Scotland. As such, the data is checked daily for consistency with previous extracts (i.e. do applications, decisions and payments figures increase as expected over time, and are they in proportion to each other) and compared to other sources of information such as the number of payment instructions reported by the finance team.

Quality assurance and cleaning has been carried out on the variables used in the official statistics:

  • Checking for duplicate and missing application references
  • Checking application dates, processing times and payment times are within the expected ranges
  • Check that payment date is present where a payment value is present
  • Checking postcodes that do not match to local authorities

Once the data is aggregated and copied into the publication and supporting Excel tables, the final statistics are quality assured by a different member of the statistics team.

Accuracy and Reliability

1) Rounding and disclosure control

Application and outcome figures have been rounded to the nearest five for disclosure control. Data has been suppressed where it would disclose fewer than five applications.

2) Missing and duplicate applications

The data comes from 100% data cut of the case management system. The data cut contained a small proportion of applications where the fields relating to application date and the outcome and payment of the application were blank. These applications represent temporary ‘prospect cases’, which are created when clients contact Social Security Scotland without a National Insurance number, and are later replaced once a National Insurance number is received from the applicant. These applications are therefore duplicates and have been excluded from the statistics.

Clients may make repeated applications to Funeral Support Payment in certain circumstances. For instance, if their initial application is withdrawn or denied. This means that there can be several applications from the same client in the data cut. For this publication we have retained all of these applications.

3) Geography

Applications are assigned to local authority by postcode using a Scottish Government lookup file. For some applications, the postcode will not match to the lookup file. This can be because the postcode is not in a Scottish local authority, or because the postcode has been introduced too recently to appear on the lookup file, for example if a property is in a new development. For postcodes that could not be matched to a Scottish local authority, the postcode area was used to check whether the postcode was in Scotland or elsewhere. Non-matching postcodes from Scottish border postcode areas (postcodes starting ‘DG’ and ‘TD’) were also checked individually and assigned to Scottish local authorities or as ‘non-Scottish postcodes’ manually.

Following these checks on postcodes, in this publication a small proportion of applications did not include address information and therefore could not be matched to a local authority or country.

Figures for the applications that did not match to Scottish local authorities and health boards are provided in the official statistics publication tables.

Coherence and Comparability

Department for Work and Pensions publish information about Funeral Expense Payment in the Social Fund annual report 2022 to 2023.

Department for Work and Pensions also publishes annual expenditure for Funeral Expense Payments at Great Britain level in their Benefit expenditure and caseload tables.

Accessibility and Clarity

Further information on application, processing times, redeterminations and appeals can be found in the associated publication


These statistics are used by a wide range of interested parties, such as:

  • The Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government (including Social Security Scotland)
  • Politicians and members of the public.

They are used for a wide range of purposes including:

  • Informing the general public
  • Government decision making through policy making and policy monitoring
  • Resource allocation
Timeliness and Punctuality

These statistics are updated every 3 months. These updates coincide with our quarterly publications on Funeral Support Payment. These can be found at the Social Security Scotland website.

Data are collected, validated and published in as timely a manner as possible in accordance with the Statistics Code of Practice. Data are published quarterly and can be found on the Scottish Government website.


Revisions and corrections to previously published statistics are dealt with in accordance with the Scottish Government Statistician Group corporate policy statement on revisions and corrections.


This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
Dimensions Linked Data

A linked data-orientated view of dimensions and values

Dimension Locked Value
Funeral Support Payment Indicator
(not locked to a value)
Reference Area
(not locked to a value)
Reference Period
(not locked to a value)
Measure Type
(not locked to a value)

Linked Data is stored in graphs. We keep dataset contents (the data) separately from the metadata, to make it easier for you to find exactly what you need.

The data in this dataset are stored in the graph:

The data structure definition for this data cube dataset is stored in the same graph as the data:

All other metadata about this dataset are stored in the graph:

Linked Data Resources

A breakdown by type of the 185 resources in this dataset's data graph.

Resource type Number of resources
Collection 2
Component specification 7
Data set 1
Data structure definition 1
Observation 174
All metadata
In Graph
Accessibility and Clarity
Further information on application, processing times, redeterminations and appeals can be found in the associated [publication]( xsd:string
Accuracy and Reliability
1) Rounding and disclosure control Application and outcome figures have been rounded to the nearest five for disclosure control. Data has been suppressed where it would disclose fewer than five applications. 2) Missing and duplicate applications The data comes from 100% data cut of the case management system. The data cut contained a small proportion of applications where the fields relating to application date and the outcome and payment of the application were blank. These applications represent temporary ‘prospect cases’, which are created when clients contact Social Security Scotland without a National Insurance number, and are later replaced once a National Insurance number is received from the applicant. These applications are therefore duplicates and have been excluded from the statistics. Clients may make repeated applications to Funeral Support Payment in certain circumstances. For instance, if their initial application is withdrawn or denied. This means that there can be several applications from the same client in the data cut. For this publication we have retained all of these applications. 3) Geography Applications are assigned to local authority by postcode using a Scottish Government lookup file. For some applications, the postcode will not match to the lookup file. This can be because the postcode is not in a Scottish local authority, or because the postcode has been introduced too recently to appear on the lookup file, for example if a property is in a new development. For postcodes that could not be matched to a Scottish local authority, the postcode area was used to check whether the postcode was in Scotland or elsewhere. Non-matching postcodes from Scottish border postcode areas (postcodes starting ‘DG’ and ‘TD’) were also checked individually and assigned to Scottish local authorities or as ‘non-Scottish postcodes’ manually. Following these checks on postcodes, in this publication a small proportion of applications did not include address information and therefore could not be matched to a local authority or country. Figures for the applications that did not match to Scottish local authorities and health boards are provided in the [official statistics publication tables]( xsd:string
Comment rdfs:comment
Received applications, authorised applications and issued payments for Funeral Support Payment xsd:string
Comparability and Coherence
Department for Work and Pensions publish information about [Funeral Expense Payment in the Social Fund annual report 2022 to 2023]( Department for Work and Pensions also publishes annual expenditure for Funeral Expense Payments at Great Britain level in their [Benefit expenditure and caseload tables]( xsd:string
Figures have been rounded to the nearest five for disclosure control. Some values are missing from this dataset. These values have been suppressed where they would disclose fewer than five applications. xsd:string
Contact email
Creator dcterms:creator
Scottish Government
Date Issued dcterms:issued
December 18, 2019 10:27 xsd:dateTime
Date Modified dcterms:modified
September 03, 2024 09:35 xsd:dateTime
Description dcterms:description
The Funeral Support Payment is a single payment to help with the costs of a funeral. It replaced the Department for Work and Pensions’ Funeral Expense Payment in Scotland on the 16 September 2019. Applications were taken from this same day. This dataset includes received applications, authorised applications and issued payments for the Funeral Support Payment benefit. Statistics are provided for the last day of the month (e.g. figures for 2019-09 are for applications received or authorised as of 30 September 2019). Further information on application, processing times, redeterminations and appeals can be found in the associated [publication]( xsd:string
Has a SPARQL endpoint at void:sparqlEndpoint
December 2024 xsd:string
In folder
Economic Activity, Benefits and Tax Credits
Social Security Scotland
Label rdfs:label
Funeral Support Payment: Applications and Payments xsd:string
License dcterms:license
Publisher dcterms:publisher
Scottish Government
Quality Management
The data used to produce these statistics are extracted from the Social Security case management system. Extracts from this system are also used on a daily basis for internal reporting within Social Security Scotland. As such, the data is checked daily for consistency with previous extracts (i.e. do applications, decisions and payments figures increase as expected over time, and are they in proportion to each other) and compared to other sources of information such as the number of payment instructions reported by the finance team. Quality assurance and cleaning has been carried out on the variables used in the official statistics: * Checking for duplicate and missing application references * Checking application dates, processing times and payment times are within the expected ranges * Check that payment date is present where a payment value is present * Checking postcodes that do not match to local authorities Once the data is aggregated and copied into the publication and supporting Excel tables, the final statistics are quality assured by a different member of the statistics team. xsd:string
References dcterms:references
These statistics are used by a wide range of interested parties, such as: * The Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government (including Social Security Scotland) * Politicians and members of the public. They are used for a wide range of purposes including: * Informing the general public * Government decision making through policy making and policy monitoring * Resource allocation xsd:string
Revisions and corrections to previously published statistics are dealt with in accordance with the [Scottish Government Statistician Group corporate policy statement on revisions and corrections]( xsd:string
Theme dcat:theme
Economic Activity, Benefits and Tax Credits
Social Security Scotland
Timeliness and Punctuality
These statistics are updated every 3 months. These updates coincide with our quarterly publications on Funeral Support Payment. These can be found at the [Social Security Scotland website]( Data are collected, validated and published in as timely a manner as possible in accordance with the Statistics Code of Practice. Data are published quarterly and can be found on the Scottish Government website. xsd:string
Title dcterms:title
Funeral Support Payment: Applications and Payments xsd:string
Type rdf:type
Data set
In Graph
Structure qb:structure
Type rdf:type
Data set
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this dataset metadata is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

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