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Schools - Positive Leaver Destinations: a data cube slice

The percentage of school leavers going to a 'positive destination' on leaving school

View as a spreadsheet
Measure Type
  1. Percent
Reference Period
  1. Academic year 2015-16
  2. Academic year 2016-17
  3. Academic year 2017-18
  4. Academic year 2018-19
  5. Academic year 2019-20
  6. Academic year 2020-21
  7. Academic year 2021-22
  8. Academic year 2022-23
School Comparator
  1. Real Establishment
  2. Virtual Comparator
Reference Establishment
(showing types of organisation available in these data)
  1. Educational Establishment Groups
  2. Educational Establishments
Entire dataset
Note: These may be large files.
About the Dataset
Not supplied
Not supplied
In dataset
Next update due
April 2025

This dataset contains the percentage of school leavers going to a 'positive destination' on leaving school. Positive destinations include: higher education, further education, training, voluntary work, employment, activity agreements. More information on school leaver destinations is available here.

Data is for senior phase (S4-S6) leavers from publicly funded secondary and grant aided secondary schools. This includes a small number of pupils who are on the roll of the school but attend full-time courses or further education outside of the school.

Data is not provided for Junior High Schools as these schools generally only take pupils as far as S4, after which they transfer to another centre to continue their education.

The positive leaver destination measure on Parentzone Scotland uses data from Insight about school leavers, which is collected by Skills Development Scotland. Details about a leaver's destination are only included in the measure if a link can be made between the leaver's Skills Development Scotland destination record and a Pupil Census record with stage S4, S5 or S6 for the same academic year. In addition, the young person must not have a Pupil Census record in the following academic year in a senior phase stage (S4-S6).

For some data points, a special character is provided instead of a number. These have the meaning:

  • 'NA' - data not available
  • '*' - the value has been hidden for disclosure reasons
  • '#' - data not available because the school is a junior high school with no year S5 or S6
Confidentiality Policy

The presentation of school level data here ensures that individual children cannot be identified. Where data is missing from tables in this dataset, it has been omitted to preserve the confidentiality of individuals.

Quality Management
Not supplied
Accuracy and Reliability
Not supplied
Coherence and Comparability

Using data for individual schools as league tables implies that the schools at the top of the table are the best in Scotland and those at the bottom, the worst. This is misleading because schools often operate in very different circumstances, such as different numbers of children with additional support needs, or different job opportunites for school leavers depending on location. The context of a school should be taken into account when considering how well a school is doing.

The best way to judge the performance of a school when using this dataset is to compare a school to its 'virtual comparator'. The 'virtu​al comparator' is a sample group of pupils from other parts of Scotland who have the same characteristics as the young people in the corresponding school. This is fairer than comparing one school directly with another.

Accessibility and Clarity

A comprehensive glossary of terms associated with education can be found on the Parentzone Scotland website

Not supplied
Timeliness and Punctuality
Not supplied
Not supplied

This slice of multidimensional data is not a Linked Data resource in the database: it's a virtual resource (i.e. you can't query it by SPARQL). But does have a permanent unique URL which can be bookmarked.
Dimensions Linked Data

A linked data-orientated view of dimensions and values

Dimension Locked Value
Reference Period
Academic year 2021-22
Reference Establishment
(not locked to a value)
School Comparator
(not locked to a value)
Measure Type
(not locked to a value)