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Mental Wellbeing - Scottish Surveys Core Questions: a data cube slice

Mental wellbeing by tenure, household type, age, sex and disability. The Scottish Survey Core Questions is an innovative project drawing together multiple household surveys to provide a large sample for subnational analysis.

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About the Dataset
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The Scottish Survey Core Questions is an innovative project drawing together multiple household surveys to provide a large sample for subnational analysis. For more information on this source, see the SSCQ website.

SWEMWBS is a shortened version of the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale. The SWEMWBS scale runs from 7 for the lowest levels of mental wellbeing to 35 for the highest. Further information is provided in the SSCQ annual report.

Confidentiality Policy
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Quality Management
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Accuracy and Reliability

SSCQ results are published with specific 95% confidence intervals, which account for the varying designs of constituent surveys. Confidence intervals provide a measure of the accuracy of point estimates, and should be considered when quoting statistics from this source. More information is provided in the SSCQ annual report.

Coherence and Comparability

The Scottish Health Survey provides the full WEMWBS score, SWEMWBS being a shortened version in the harmonised questionnaires. Comparisons of results between SSCQ and the SHeS are provided in the SSCQ annual report. By pooling three surveys, SSCQ provides results at sub-national level that are often impossible with a smaller sample.

Results from the survey are presented here for Electoral Wards using the 2007 to 2016 boundaries. These may not be comparable to other datasets which use the current Electoral Ward boundaries. Details on live and archived geographies can be found in the Standard Geography Code Register.

Accessibility and Clarity
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Timeliness and Punctuality

Results from the SSCQ are generally published a year or more after the conclusion of fieldwork period, and after results from the three constituent surveys are published.

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