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Local Authority Services and Performance - Scottish Household Survey: a data cube column

Percentage of adults who agree with various statements about local authority services and performance, from the Scottish Household Survey (SHS)

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Every year the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) asks adults whether they agree with the following statements about local authority services and performance.

• I can influence decisions affecting my local area

• I would like to be more involved in the decisions my council makes that affect my local area

• My council is good at letting local people know about the kinds of services it provides

• My council is good at listening to local people's views before it takes decisions

• My local council addresses the key issues affecting the quality of life in my local neighbourhood

• My local council designs its services around the needs of the people who use them

• My local council does the best it can with the money available

• My local council is good at letting people know about the kinds of services it provides

• My local council provides high quality services

The data is reported here is representative of the adult population and is available by:

• Local Authority

• Age of the randomly selected adult

• Gender of the randomly selected adult

In the 2018 SHS the gender question was revised. In previous years interviewers asked if household members were 'male' or 'female'. In the 2018 survey the options given were: 'man/boy', 'woman/girl' and two additional responses: ‘identified in another way’ and ‘refused’. In order to remain harmonised with other datasets, the previous response options 'male' and 'female' will be maintained.

• Urban/Rural Classification

• SIMD quintiles

The most recent annual publication can be accessed at

The full questionnaire for each year can be accessed at:

And the survey data for the full Scottish Household Survey is available from the UK Data Service.


This slice of multidimensional data is not a Linked Data resource in the database: it's a virtual resource (i.e. you can't query it by SPARQL). But does have a permanent unique URL which can be bookmarked.