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Home Care Clients: a data cube slice

Number and rate per 1,000 population of home care clients by age and gender.

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About the Dataset
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Data on social care provided or purchased by Local Authorities from the Social Care Survey (Home Care Census prior to 2013), for the week that includes 31 March of the given year. The data is supplied by all 32 Local Authorities in Scotland, who collect this information as part of their Social Care Management Information system and is submitted to Scottish Government via ProcXed.

Information is returned for every person who has had a Social Care assessment and receives or uses: During the Census Week (any week including 31 March 2015):

  • Home Care services, including re-ablement services
  • Meals services (provided or purchased by the local authority);
  • Housing Support services;
  • OPTIONAL - other services e.g. Shopping, Laundry.

During the financial year 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015:

  • Community Alarms / other Telecare services (this was previously only collected for the census week);
  • Services or support provided through Self-Directed Support, including Direct Payments;
  • Social Worker / support worker services

Ratio for clients aged 65+ is the percentage of home care clients that are aged 65 and over. Ratio for ‘older’ clients is the rate per 1,000 population of clients aged 65 and over.

Gender split only available for all clients (i.e. no split by age and gender).

Link to publication:

Confidentiality Policy

Data submitted to Scottish Government using the secure ProcXed system. Outputs rounded to nearest 10 (clients) (applies to current published data only - no rounding on the 2005-09 data currently on ODPP).

Quality Management
Not supplied
Accuracy and Reliability

Data goes through a validation process when entered into ProcXed, and any unusual/unexpected values are checked with the Local Authority.

Coherence and Comparability
Not supplied
Accessibility and Clarity

No restrictions on access to dataset.


Users of Home Care statistics:

  • Scottish Government (feeds into National Indicators and resource allocation formula, to inform policy decisions relating to social care)
  • NHS (feeds into NHS Scotland indicator)
  • Local Authorities (for benchmarking and strategic planning)
  • Care Inspectorate (to inform inspections)
  • Private sector care providers (for information about supply of/demand for care)
  • Third sector providers (often for information on a group of people who require care for a specific reason)
  • Carers and general public
Timeliness and Punctuality

Data for 2014/15 (for users of Home Care services at end of March 2015) published in November 2015.

Not supplied

This slice of multidimensional data is not a Linked Data resource in the database: it's a virtual resource (i.e. you can't query it by SPARQL). But does have a permanent unique URL which can be bookmarked.