Percentage of adults reporting a limiting long term physical or mental health problem, by age, gender, household type, and type of housing tenure. The Scottish Survey Core Questions is an innovative project drawing together multiple household surveys to provide a large sample for subnational analysis.
Dimension | Value |
Age | |
Gender | |
Household Type | |
Limiting Long Term Physical Or Mental Health Condition | |
Measure Type | |
Reference Period | |
Type Of Tenure | |
Reference Area
(showing types of area available in these data) |
Entire dataset
Note: These may be large files. |
CSVN-Triples |
In the Scottish Government's National Action Plan on long-term conditions, long-term conditions are defined as 'health conditions that last a year or longer, impact on a person's life, and may require on-going care and support'. Conditions include a wide range of mental and physical health conditions. The harmonised question across government surveys is in line with the definition of disability used in the Disability Discrimination Act 2005.
The Scottish Survey Core Questions is an innovative project drawing together multiple household surveys to provide a large sample for subnational analysis. For more information on this source, see the SSCQ website.
This dataset does not contain any sensitive or personal information.
Further information on the methodologies used to produce these statistics can be found in [the SSCQ technical reports]In addition to the data presented here, SSCQ reports, documentation and tables for download are available on the SSCQ webpages of the Scottish Government website.
SSCQ results are published with specific 95% confidence intervals, which account for the varying designs of constituent surveys. Confidence intervals provide a measure of the accuracy of point estimates, and should be considered when quoting statistics from this source. More information is provided in the SSCQ technical report.
The preferred source of statistics for time series at Scotland level is the Scottish Health Survey. Comparisons of results between SSCQ and the SHeS are provided in the SSCQ annual report. By pooling three surveys, SSCQ provides results at sub-national level that are often impossible with a smaller sample.
Earlier results (2012-2015 and 2014-2017) from the survey are presented for Electoral Wards using the 2007 to 2016 boundaries. These may not be comparable to other datasets which use the current Electoral Ward boundaries. Details on live and archived geographies can be found in the Standard Geography Code Register.
In addition to the data presented here, SSCQ reports, documentation and tables for download are available on the SSCQ webpages of the Scottish Government website
The pooling of Core Questions results in an annual sample of around 20,000 respondents, providing unprecedented precision of estimates at national level. This sample size enables the detailed and reliable analysis of national indicators by protected equalities characteristics such as ethnic group, religion, country of birth, sexual orientation, age, and gender. Further variables are education level, economic activity, tenure, car access and household type. Multi-level analysis is available on request.
Results from the SSCQ are generally published a year after the conclusion of fieldwork period, and after results from the constituent survey are published.
Revisions are dealt with in accordance with the Scottish Government Statistics Revisions Policy.
This slice of multidimensional data is not a Linked Data resource in the database: it's a virtual resource (i.e. you can't query it by SPARQL). But does have a permanent unique URL which can be bookmarked.
A linked data-orientated view of dimensions and values
Dimension | Locked Value |
Reference Period
(not locked to a value) |
Household Type
(not locked to a value) |
Limiting Long Term Physical Or Mental Health Condition
(not locked to a value) |
Reference Area
(not locked to a value) |
Type Of Tenure
(not locked to a value) |
Measure Type
(not locked to a value) |