Numbers of deaths registered by cause.
Dimension | Value |
Gender | |
Measure Type | |
Reference Period | |
Reference Area
(showing types of area available in these data) |
Entire dataset
Note: These may be large files. |
CSVN-Triples |
Deaths are generally counted on the basis of the area of usual residence of the deceased if that is in Scotland, otherwise they are counted on the basis of the place of death. However, a death may be allocated to the deceased's former area of residence, if that is in Scotland and the deceased had lived at his/her usual residence for less than 12 months.
This dataset does not contain any sensitive or personal information.
Information about the quality management process for deaths data are available on the NRS website..
The UK Statistics Authority has designated NRS vital events statistics as National Statistics, in line with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics [(available on the UK Statistics Authority website).]
These figures are on a different basis from the vast majority of NRS published statistics of deaths, which are based on the calendar year in which the death was registered. The "mid-year to mid-year" basis is used only in connection with population estimates and projections.
Statistical information about deaths and other vital events is available in alternative formats, such as high level summaries and reports, from the vital events pages on the NRS website..
Examples of uses of vital events statistics can be accessed in a report published on the NRS website.
This dataset will be updated annually, typically in early autumn.
In February 2019, we updated our methodology for allocating datazones to higher geographies to align with Government Statistical Service Geography Policy. This resulted in revisions to some aggregated figures at Electoral Ward and Scottish Parliament Constituency level.
This slice of multidimensional data is not a Linked Data resource in the database: it's a virtual resource (i.e. you can't query it by SPARQL). But does have a permanent unique URL which can be bookmarked.
A linked data-orientated view of dimensions and values
Dimension | Locked Value |
Reference Period
(not locked to a value) |
Reference Area
(not locked to a value) |
Measure Type
(not locked to a value) |