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Council Tax Collection Rates: a data cube spreadsheet

Data on Council Tax amounts billed and collected, up to the end of the most recent complete billing year

Count (million pounds (GBP)) for values of measure type
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Filter Areas by type:
Council Tax Collection
  1. Billed
  2. Collected
  3. Collection Rate
  4. Uncollected
Measure Type
  1. Count
  2. Percent
Reference Period
  1. 1999/2000
  2. 2000/2001
  3. 2001/2002
  4. 2002/2003
  5. 2003/2004
  6. 2004/2005
  7. 2005/2006
  8. 2006/2007
  9. 2007/2008
  10. 2008/2009
  11. 2009/2010
  12. 2010/2011
  13. 2011/2012
  14. 2012/2013
  15. 2013/2014
  16. 2014/2015
  17. 2015/2016
  18. 2016/2017
  19. 2017/2018
  20. 2018/2019
  21. 2019/2020
  22. 2020/2021
  23. 2021/2022
Reference Area
(showing types of area available in these data)
  1. Countries
  2. Council Areas
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About the Dataset
Not supplied
Not supplied
In dataset
Next update due
June 2023

All data are based on the actual amounts billed to, and received from, Council Tax payers, and are net of all discounts (e.g. 25% single person discount) and exemptions. Surcharges are also excluded. The figures exclude Council Tax Benefit/Reduction; are before any amounts written off for bad or doubtful debt; and reflect any correction to liabilities made after billing.

The data are derived from the Scottish Government’s Council Tax Receipts Return (CTRR), which collects data from local authorities on the total amounts of Council Tax billed and the total amounts collected for all years from 1993-94 to date.

The CTRR data is collected after the end of the financial year, but before audit, and is therefore provisional. It has been approved by local authority directors of finance and follow accountancy standards where applicable. Final audited figures will be published by the Scottish Government later in the year.

More information on Local Government Finance statistics.

Confidentiality Policy

This dataset on Council Tax collection rates does not contain any directly identifiable personal information.

Quality Management

As part of the quality assurance procedure, the Scottish Government carries out validation checks on the incoming data to identify possible errors. Potential problems are identified in a number of ways, including comparing the data received to: other known sources; data from previous years; and data from other local authorities. Where appropriate, views are also sought from policy colleagues – for example where a change in the data may be attributable to a policy change. To ensure the data are of a high quality, the Scottish Government then works with the relevant local authorities to resolve any data issues identified.

Accuracy and Reliability

The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Designation can be interpreted to mean that the statistics: meet identified user needs; are produced, managed and disseminated to high standards; and are explained well.

Coherence and Comparability

Further information on Sources, Uses and Quality of Local Government Finance National Statistics can be found on the Local Government Finance Statistics pages of the Scottish Government website.

Accessibility and Clarity

Further information on Sources, Uses and Quality of Local Government Finance National Statistics can be found on the Local Government Finance Statistics pages of the Scottish Government website.


Further information on Sources, Uses and Quality of Local Government Finance National Statistics can be found on the Local Government Finance Statistics pages of the Scottish Government website.

Timeliness and Punctuality

This dataset is updated annually


Any revisions and correction to this publication and previous editions of it are carried out in line with the Scottish Government’s corrections and revisions policy.


This slice of multidimensional data is not a Linked Data resource in the database: it's a virtual resource (i.e. you can't query it by SPARQL). But does have a permanent unique URL which can be bookmarked.
Dimensions Linked Data

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Dimension Locked Value
Reference Period
Council Tax Collection
Reference Area
(not locked to a value)
Measure Type
(not locked to a value)