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Domestic Energy Performance Certificates - Dataset to Q2 2024

Management Information: environmental data on the Domestic Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and Recommendations Report for each current record held on the Scottish EPC Register from Q3 2014 to Q2 2024. Data extracted July 2024.

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About this File
Scottish Government
Scottish Government
In folders
Not supplied
Next update due
October 2024

This Management Information dataset presents environmental data from every current Domestic EPC assessment held by the SEPCR from commencement of central lodgement of the current EPC format from Q2 2014 to Q1 2024 (data extracted from source in July 2024). This dataset includes the full postal address of every property assessed, plus additional data not presented on the Energy Performance Certificate or Recommendations Report. The dataset is subject to two separate licences arrangements:

• Address Data - Any use of address data (ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, POSTTOWN & POSTCODE) which is not specified in Royal Mail’s copyright notice below, or covered by one of the copyright exceptions (see further information within the download file), will require an appropriate licence. For further information, please visit

• Non-Address Data - All data fields other than the address and postcode data (ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, POSTTOWN & POSTCODE) included within this dataset are licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Confidentiality Policy
Not supplied
Quality Management

This publication of data is experimental and does not include full data cleansing to remove ‘out of range’ data elements. There may therefore still be small numbers of extreme values in the dataset and some degree of caution in analysis is advised. Further quality assurance of data will be undertaken in future releases and feedback from users on any issues identified in the current dataset would be welcomed.

Accuracy and Reliability

Lodgement of energy performance data to the SEPCR is subject to retrospective quality assurance on a sample basis with a minimum of 2% of lodgements subject to an audit process by the Approved Organisations that register EPC Assessors. A note on action taken to quality assure data extracted from the Scottish EPC Register is included in the publication guide within the zipfile.

Coherence and Comparability
Not supplied
Accessibility and Clarity

Royal Mail Copyright Notice:

These data include post town and postcodes in which intellectual property rights are owned by Royal Mail Group Limited (‘address data’). The Scottish Government has published the address data with the consent of Royal Mail Group Limited, which reserves all its copyright, database rights, trade marks and other intellectual property rights. Royal Mail Group Limited permits the use of ‘address data’ for specific purposes related to the energy performance of buildings which are as follows:

• The effective management of properties in the private or public sector with a view to promoting energy efficiency (through consideration of factors such as patterns of use, maintenance, repairs, improvements and upgrades of building structure or energy using systems).

• Research to provide data, analysis and statistics intended to improve the understanding of energy efficiency of buildings or to facilitate innovation and improvement in use, design, materials and equipment to this end.

• Research into the effectiveness or impact of energy efficiency improvements including those delivered through Government or other energy improvement programmes.

• Promoting and marketing energy efficiency improvements that may be made through a Government energy efficiency programme or initiative.

• Promotion and better understanding of the current energy efficiency of buildings and potential improvement in the building sale or rental markets and/or by building occupiers or users.

• To enable enforcement authorities to carry out enforcement duties as required by The Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2008, as amended.

• By local authorities in the exercise of their duties under The Building (Scotland) Act 2003.

• For the prevention or detection of crime, the apprehension or prosecution of alleged offenders, any proceedings in a court or tribunal or complying with an order or a court or a tribunal.

In addition to the purposes set out above there are certain exceptions to copyright relating to Royal Mail postal information which permit you to use copyrighted material for specific and limited purposes. These include non-commercial research and private study, subject to compliance with certain conditions. Further information about these exceptions can be found here:

Where you publish or otherwise share address data with any other person for any of the purposes permitted under this copyright notice, you must include a copy of this copyright notice with the data. Any use of address data which is not specified in this notice or covered by one of the copyright exceptions requires an appropriate license and is subject to Royal Mail Group Limited’s relevant terms and conditions listed at By using address data on this website you will be taken to agree to the terms set out in this copyright notice. Failure to comply with this copyright notice may lead to Royal Mail Group Limited taking legal action against you. You can contact Royal Mail at


The data published in this extract is made available as Environmental Information for data analysis and to enable research into energy efficiency issues. The data must not be relied upon to verify if a valid EPC exists for a building, nor as the basis for the provision of energy improvement advice for a building.

Timeliness and Punctuality
Not supplied
Not supplied

This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
All metadata
In Graph
Accessibility and Clarity
Royal Mail Copyright Notice: These data include post town and postcodes in which intellectual property rights are owned by Royal Mail Group Limited (‘address data’). The Scottish Government has published the address data with the consent of Royal Mail Group Limited, which reserves all its copyright, database rights, trade marks and other intellectual property rights. Royal Mail Group Limited permits the use of ‘address data’ for specific purposes related to the energy performance of buildings which are as follows: • The effective management of properties in the private or public sector with a view to promoting energy efficiency (through consideration of factors such as patterns of use, maintenance, repairs, improvements and upgrades of building structure or energy using systems). • Research to provide data, analysis and statistics intended to improve the understanding of energy efficiency of buildings or to facilitate innovation and improvement in use, design, materials and equipment to this end. • Research into the effectiveness or impact of energy efficiency improvements including those delivered through Government or other energy improvement programmes. • Promoting and marketing energy efficiency improvements that may be made through a Government energy efficiency programme or initiative. • Promotion and better understanding of the current energy efficiency of buildings and potential improvement in the building sale or rental markets and/or by building occupiers or users. • To enable enforcement authorities to carry out enforcement duties as required by The Energy Performance of Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2008, as amended. • By local authorities in the exercise of their duties under The Building (Scotland) Act 2003. • For the prevention or detection of crime, the apprehension or prosecution of alleged offenders, any proceedings in a court or tribunal or complying with an order or a court or a tribunal. In addition to the purposes set out above there are certain exceptions to copyright relating to Royal Mail postal information which permit you to use copyrighted material for specific and limited purposes. These include non-commercial research and private study, subject to compliance with certain conditions. Further information about these exceptions can be found here: []( Where you publish or otherwise share address data with any other person for any of the purposes permitted under this copyright notice, you must include a copy of this copyright notice with the data. Any use of address data which is not specified in this notice or covered by one of the copyright exceptions requires an appropriate license and is subject to Royal Mail Group Limited’s relevant terms and conditions listed at []( By using address data on this website you will be taken to agree to the terms set out in this copyright notice. Failure to comply with this copyright notice may lead to Royal Mail Group Limited taking legal action against you. You can contact Royal Mail at []( xsd:string
Accuracy and Reliability
Lodgement of energy performance data to the SEPCR is subject to retrospective quality assurance on a sample basis with a minimum of 2% of lodgements subject to an audit process by the Approved Organisations that register EPC Assessors. A note on action taken to quality assure data extracted from the Scottish EPC Register is included in the publication guide within the zipfile. xsd:string
Comment rdfs:comment
Management Information: environmental data on the Domestic Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and Recommendations Report for each current record held on the Scottish EPC Register from Q3 2014 to Q2 2024. Data extracted July 2024. xsd:string
Contact email
Creator dcterms:creator
Scottish Government
Date Issued dcterms:issued
May 01, 2018 13:34 xsd:dateTime
Date Modified dcterms:modified
July 26, 2024 11:00 xsd:dateTime
Description dcterms:description
This Management Information dataset presents environmental data from every current Domestic EPC assessment held by the SEPCR from commencement of central lodgement of the current EPC format from Q2 2014 to Q1 2024 (data extracted from source in July 2024). This dataset includes the full postal address of every property assessed, plus additional data not presented on the Energy Performance Certificate or Recommendations Report. The dataset is subject to two separate licences arrangements: • Address Data - Any use of address data (ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, POSTTOWN & POSTCODE) which is not specified in Royal Mail’s copyright notice below, or covered by one of the copyright exceptions (see further information within the download file), will require an appropriate licence. For further information, please visit []( • Non-Address Data - All data fields other than the address and postcode data (ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, POSTTOWN & POSTCODE) included within this dataset are licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. xsd:string
Has a SPARQL endpoint at void:sparqlEndpoint
398875943 xsd:integer
zip xsd:string xsd:string
application/x-zip-compressed xsd:string
October 2024 xsd:string
In folder
Scottish Government
Management Information
Label rdfs:label
Domestic Energy Performance Certificates - Dataset to Q2 2024 xsd:string
Publisher dcterms:publisher
Scottish Government
Quality Management
This publication of data is experimental and does not include full data cleansing to remove ‘out of range’ data elements. There may therefore still be small numbers of extreme values in the dataset and some degree of caution in analysis is advised. Further quality assurance of data will be undertaken in future releases and feedback from users on any issues identified in the current dataset would be welcomed. xsd:string
References dcterms:references
The data published in this extract is made available as Environmental Information for data analysis and to enable research into energy efficiency issues. The data must not be relied upon to verify if a valid EPC exists for a building, nor as the basis for the provision of energy improvement advice for a building. xsd:string
Theme dcat:theme
Scottish Government
Management Information
Title dcterms:title
Domestic Energy Performance Certificates - Dataset to Q2 2024 xsd:string
Type rdf:type
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this dataset metadata is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

dataset metadata JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples Atom