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[this is a data cube dataset] A data cube dataset in folders : Scottish Government, Crime and Justice

Recorded Crimes and Offences

Number, and rate per 10,000 population, of crimes and offences recorded by the police.

View as a spreadsheet
Crime Or Offence
  1. All Crimes
  2. All Group 1: Non-sexual crimes of violence
  3. All Group 2: Sexual crimes
  4. All Group 3: Crimes of dishonesty
  5. All Group 4: Damage and reckless behaviour
  6. All Group 5: Crimes against society
  7. All Group 6: Antisocial offences
  8. All Group 7: Miscellaneous offences
  9. All Group 8: Road traffic offences
  10. All Offences
  11. Crimes: Coronavirus Restrictions
  12. Crimes: Group 1: Common assault
  13. Crimes: Group 1: Death by dangerous driving
  14. Crimes: Group 1: Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018
  15. Crimes: Group 1: Murder and culpable homicide
  16. Crimes: Group 1: Other non-sexual violence
  17. Crimes: Group 1: Robbery
  18. Crimes: Group 1: Serious assault and attempted murder
  19. Crimes: Group 2: Causing to view sexual activity or images
  20. Crimes: Group 2: Communicating indecently
  21. Crimes: Group 2: Crimes associated with prostitution
  22. Crimes: Group 2: Indecent photos of children
  23. Crimes: Group 2: Other sexual crimes
  24. Crimes: Group 2: Rape & attempted rape
  25. Crimes: Group 2: Sexual assault
  26. Crimes: Group 2: Threatening to or disclosing intimate images
  27. Crimes: Group 3: Fraud
  28. Crimes: Group 3: Housebreaking
  29. Crimes: Group 3: Other dishonesty
  30. Crimes: Group 3: Other theft
  31. Crimes: Group 3: Shoplifting
  32. Crimes: Group 3: Theft by opening lockfast places
  33. Crimes: Group 3: Theft from a motor vehicle
  34. Crimes: Group 3: Theft of a motor vehicle
  35. Crimes: Group 4: Fire-raising
  36. Crimes: Group 4: Reckless conduct
  37. Crimes: Group 4: Vandalism
  38. Crimes: Group 5: Crimes against public justice
  39. Crimes: Group 5: Drugs - Possession
  40. Crimes: Group 5: Drugs - Supply
  41. Crimes: Group 5: Other crimes against society
  42. Crimes: Group 5: Weapons possession (not used)
  43. Crimes: Group 5: Weapons possession (used)
  44. Offences: Group 6: Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct
  45. Offences: Group 6: Racially aggravated conduct
  46. Offences: Group 6: Threatening and abusive behaviour
  47. Offences: Group 6: Urinating etc.
  48. Offences: Group 7: Community and public order offences
  49. Offences: Group 7: Environmental offences
  50. Offences: Group 7: Licensing offences
  51. Offences: Group 7: Other misc. offences
  52. Offences: Group 7: Wildlife offences
  53. Offences: Group 8: Dangerous and careless driving
  54. Offences: Group 8: Driving under the influence
  55. Offences: Group 8: Mobile phone offences
  56. Offences: Group 8: Other road traffic offences
  57. Offences: Group 8: Seat belt offences
  58. Offences: Group 8: Speeding
  59. Offences: Group 8: Unlawful use of vehicle
  60. Offences: Group 8: Vehicle defect offences
Measure Type
  1. Count
  2. Ratio
Reference Period
  1. 1996/1997
  2. 1997/1998
  3. 1998/1999
  4. 1999/2000
  5. 2000/2001
  6. 2001/2002
  7. 2002/2003
  8. 2003/2004
  9. 2004/2005
  10. 2005/2006
  11. 2006/2007
  12. 2007/2008
  13. 2008/2009
  14. 2009/2010
  15. 2010/2011
  16. 2011/2012
  17. 2012/2013
  18. 2013/2014
  19. 2014/2015
  20. 2015/2016
  21. 2016/2017
  22. 2017/2018
  23. 2018/2019
  24. 2019/2020
  25. 2020/2021
  26. 2021/2022
  27. 2022/2023
  28. 2023/2024
Reference Area
(showing types of area available in these data)
  1. Countries
  2. Council Areas
Entire dataset
Note: These may be large files.
About the Dataset
Scottish Government
Scottish Government
In folders
Next update due
June 2025

Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland, including number of crimes/offences and crime/offence rates per 10,000 population recorded by Police Scotland.

This data covers the number, and rate per 10,000 population, of crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland from 1996/97 to 2023/24 and by Local Authority. For more information on the recorded crime figures please see the Scottish Government Recorded Crime in Scotland website.

Crimes and offences per 10,000 population rates are calculated as follows: (total number of recorded crimes / mid-year population estimate) x 10,000. When calculating the rates of crimes and offences per 10,000 population, the relevant mid-year population estimates produced by the National Records of Scotland are used. The statistical return from which the data are taken is a simple count of the numbers of crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police. Returns are submitted quarterly from Police Scotland at local authority level which allows a national total to be obtained. Crimes and offences are included against the year in which they are recorded by the police. This is not necessarily the year in which the crime or offence took place, the year in which the accused is brought to trial for the crime or offence, or the year in which the case is finally disposed of by the courts. Amendments (such as the deletion of incidents found on investigation not to be criminal) which arise after the end of the financial year are not incorporated.

Note: Due to 2023 mid-year population estimates being published after the release of the Recorded Crime in Scotland 2023-24 bulletin, the 2022 mid-year population estimates have been used to calculate the 2023-24 crime/offence rates per 10,000 population. The 2022/23 crime/offence rates per 10,000 population have also been revised to now use the 2022 mid-year population estimates.

Contraventions of Scottish criminal law are divided for statistical purposes into crimes and offences. “Crime” is generally used for the more serious criminal acts; the less serious termed “offences”, although the term “offence” may also be used in relation to serious breaches of criminal law. The distinction is made only for working purposes and the “seriousness” of the offence is generally related to the maximum sentence that can be imposed. For further information please see the Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland: user guide.

Confidentiality Policy

This dataset does not contain any sensitive or personal information. Results are published on an aggregated level.

Quality Management

This data is based on Police Scotland’s Management Information which has undergone further quality assurance work.

Figures are checked against previous years and comparable sources. Anything unusual or which requires further explanation is fed back to Police Scotland for their attention. Any amendments are carried out and the final data is used to produce a set of data tables which can be used to check the final dataset.

During the quality assurance checking process, it is possible for errors to be found in data for previous years. Whilst figures are not routinely revised, any changes or corrections made to previously published data are suitably explained in line with the Scottish Government’s guidance on Producing Official Statistics. Care is taken when processing, quality assuring and analysing the data, however this is occasionally subject to the inaccuracies that are inherent in any large administrative recording system. Further details of the quality assurance process can be found in the Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland: user guide.

Accuracy and Reliability

A quality assurance process is in operation which includes automated validation procedures and manual checks for significant changes in the data and unrealistic values. Any questionable values are referred back to Police Scotland for either correction or for an explanation to be provided for any unusual values. Police Scotland are required to sign-off their data at the end of the validation process. Bulletins are subjected to a secondary level of checking by statisticians who have not been involved in the production process.

Coherence and Comparability

Further breakdowns of crimes and offences are available from 1971 onwards. Please note that due to local government reorganisation, data for 1975 are not available.

The reporting year was changed from calendar to financial year, with the last reported calendar year being 1994 and the first reported financial year being 1995-96. Information is electronically available via the Scottish Government’s website dating back to 1988. Long term, as well as short term, comparability of some crime groups over time will be affected due to changes in legislation. An example of this is the introduction of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009, which came into force on 1 December 2010. Further details regarding this can be found in the Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland: user guide.

Recorded crime statistics for England and Wales are not directly comparable with those in Scotland. The recorded crime statistics for Scotland are collected on the basis of the Scottish Crime Recording Standard (SCRS), which was introduced in 2004. In England and Wales the recording of crime statistics are based on the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) and Home Office Counting Rules for recorded crime. Like its counterpart in England and Wales, the SCRS aims to give consistency in crime recording. The main principles of the SCRS itself are similar to the NCRS for England and Wales with regard to when a crime should be recorded. However there are various differences between the respective Counting Rules in that they specify different approaches for counting the number of crimes that should be recorded as a result of a single incident. For example, crimes recorded in England and Wales tend to be incident based where the Principle Crime Rule states that if the sequence of crimes in an incident, or a complex crime, contains more than one type of crime, then the most serious crime should be counted. For example, an incident where an intruder breaks into a home and assaults the sole occupant would be recorded as two crimes in Scotland, while in England and Wales it would be recorded as one crime. Differences in legislation and common law have also to be taken into account when comparing the crime statistics for England and Wales and Scotland. A guide to the comparability of recorded crime between England and Wales and Scotland has been published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and can be accessed on the ONS website.

Crime Statistics for England and Wales are published quarterly on the ONS website. The legal system in Northern Ireland is based on that of England and Wales and the Police Service for Northern Ireland (PSNI) has the same notifiable offence list for recorded crime as used in England and Wales. In addition, the PSNI has adopted the NCRS and Home Office Counting Rules for recorded crime that applies in England and Wales. Thus there are similar comparability considerations between recorded crime statistics for Northern Ireland and Scotland. Crime statistics for Northern Ireland are collected and published separately.

Due to differences in legislation, there are also comparability issues when comparing the statistics for the recorded number of crimes given in the Recorded Crime bulletin internationally. Data users are always advised to consult any relevant and accompanying metadata and to proceed with caution when formulating any arguments or drawing any conclusions from international recorded crime comparisons.

Accessibility and Clarity

Information is presented at a national (Scotland) level, with core tables provided at Local Authority level.


Primary source of detailed and reliable information on recorded crimes and offences in Scotland. Statistics on recorded crime and offences inform the Scottish Government’s Vision for Justice in Scotland. This was published in February 2022 and sets out a transformative vision for the whole justice system in Scotland. The 2022 strategy outlines how the Scottish Government will transform the justice system, through recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Further information on users and uses of the statistics is provided in the Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland: user guide.

Timeliness and Punctuality

This data covers incidents recorded over 12 months between 1 April to 31 March, from 1996/97 to 2023/24.

The statistical bulletin is published approximately three months after the end of the year in question. This is to allow Police Scotland’s statisticians to collate the required information, as well as the time needed to allow for quality checking the data. The publication date is advertised four to six weeks in advance on the Scottish Government website Official Statistics: forthcoming publication calendar.


Revisions and corrections to this publication are dealt with in accordance with the Scottish Government’s guidance on Producing Official Statistics.


This is a linked data resource: it has a permanent unique uri at which both humans and machines can find it on the Internet, and which can be used an identifier in queries on our SPARQL endpoint.
Dimensions Linked Data

A linked data-orientated view of dimensions and values

Dimension Locked Value
Crime Or Offence
(not locked to a value)
Reference Area
(not locked to a value)
Reference Period
(not locked to a value)
Measure Type
(not locked to a value)

Linked Data is stored in graphs. We keep dataset contents (the data) separately from the metadata, to make it easier for you to find exactly what you need.

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Linked Data Resources

A breakdown by type of the 88,053 resources in this dataset's data graph.

Resource type Number of resources
Collection 2
Component specification 7
Data set 1
Data structure definition 1
Observation 88,042
All metadata
In Graph
Accessibility and Clarity
Information is presented at a national (Scotland) level, with core tables provided at Local Authority level. xsd:string
Accuracy and Reliability
A quality assurance process is in operation which includes automated validation procedures and manual checks for significant changes in the data and unrealistic values. Any questionable values are referred back to Police Scotland for either correction or for an explanation to be provided for any unusual values. Police Scotland are required to sign-off their data at the end of the validation process. Bulletins are subjected to a secondary level of checking by statisticians who have not been involved in the production process. xsd:string
Comment rdfs:comment
Number, and rate per 10,000 population, of crimes and offences recorded by the police. xsd:string
Comparability and Coherence
Further breakdowns of crimes and offences are available from 1971 onwards. Please note that due to local government reorganisation, data for 1975 are not available. The reporting year was changed from calendar to financial year, with the last reported calendar year being 1994 and the first reported financial year being 1995-96. Information is electronically available via the Scottish Government’s website dating back to 1988. Long term, as well as short term, comparability of some crime groups over time will be affected due to changes in legislation. An example of this is the introduction of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009, which came into force on 1 December 2010. Further details regarding this can be found in the [Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland: user guide]( Recorded crime statistics for England and Wales are not directly comparable with those in Scotland. The recorded crime statistics for Scotland are collected on the basis of the Scottish Crime Recording Standard (SCRS), which was introduced in 2004. In England and Wales the recording of crime statistics are based on the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) and Home Office Counting Rules for recorded crime. Like its counterpart in England and Wales, the SCRS aims to give consistency in crime recording. The main principles of the SCRS itself are similar to the NCRS for England and Wales with regard to when a crime should be recorded. However there are various differences between the respective Counting Rules in that they specify different approaches for counting the number of crimes that should be recorded as a result of a single incident. For example, crimes recorded in England and Wales tend to be incident based where the Principle Crime Rule states that if the sequence of crimes in an incident, or a complex crime, contains more than one type of crime, then the most serious crime should be counted. For example, an incident where an intruder breaks into a home and assaults the sole occupant would be recorded as two crimes in Scotland, while in England and Wales it would be recorded as one crime. Differences in legislation and common law have also to be taken into account when comparing the crime statistics for England and Wales and Scotland. A guide to the comparability of recorded crime between England and Wales and Scotland has been published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and can be accessed on the [ONS website]( [Crime Statistics for England and Wales]( are published quarterly on the ONS website. The legal system in Northern Ireland is based on that of England and Wales and the Police Service for Northern Ireland (PSNI) has the same notifiable offence list for recorded crime as used in England and Wales. In addition, the PSNI has adopted the NCRS and Home Office Counting Rules for recorded crime that applies in England and Wales. Thus there are similar comparability considerations between recorded crime statistics for Northern Ireland and Scotland. [Crime statistics for Northern Ireland]( are collected and published separately. Due to differences in legislation, there are also comparability issues when comparing the statistics for the recorded number of crimes given in the Recorded Crime bulletin internationally. Data users are always advised to consult any relevant and accompanying metadata and to proceed with caution when formulating any arguments or drawing any conclusions from international recorded crime comparisons. xsd:string
This dataset does not contain any sensitive or personal information. Results are published on an aggregated level. xsd:string
Contact email
Creator dcterms:creator
Scottish Government
Date Issued dcterms:issued
July 29, 2014 00:00 xsd:dateTime
Date Modified dcterms:modified
June 26, 2024 08:06 xsd:dateTime
Description dcterms:description
Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland, including number of crimes/offences and crime/offence rates per 10,000 population recorded by Police Scotland. This data covers the number, and rate per 10,000 population, of crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland from 1996/97 to 2023/24 and by Local Authority. For more information on the recorded crime figures please see the [Scottish Government Recorded Crime in Scotland website]( Crimes and offences per 10,000 population rates are calculated as follows: (total number of recorded crimes / mid-year population estimate) x 10,000. When calculating the rates of crimes and offences per 10,000 population, the relevant [mid-year population estimates]( produced by the National Records of Scotland are used. The statistical return from which the data are taken is a simple count of the numbers of crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police. Returns are submitted quarterly from Police Scotland at local authority level which allows a national total to be obtained. Crimes and offences are included against the year in which they are recorded by the police. This is not necessarily the year in which the crime or offence took place, the year in which the accused is brought to trial for the crime or offence, or the year in which the case is finally disposed of by the courts. Amendments (such as the deletion of incidents found on investigation not to be criminal) which arise after the end of the financial year are not incorporated. Note: Due to 2023 mid-year population estimates being published after the release of the Recorded Crime in Scotland 2023-24 bulletin, the 2022 mid-year population estimates have been used to calculate the 2023-24 crime/offence rates per 10,000 population. The 2022/23 crime/offence rates per 10,000 population have also been revised to now use the 2022 mid-year population estimates. Contraventions of Scottish criminal law are divided for statistical purposes into crimes and offences. “Crime” is generally used for the more serious criminal acts; the less serious termed “offences”, although the term “offence” may also be used in relation to serious breaches of criminal law. The distinction is made only for working purposes and the “seriousness” of the offence is generally related to the maximum sentence that can be imposed. For further information please see the [Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland: user guide]( xsd:string
Has a SPARQL endpoint at void:sparqlEndpoint
June 2025 xsd:string
In folder
Scottish Government
Crime and Justice
Label rdfs:label
Recorded Crimes and Offences xsd:string
License dcterms:license
Publisher dcterms:publisher
Scottish Government
Quality Management
This data is based on [Police Scotland’s Management Information]( which has undergone further quality assurance work. Figures are checked against previous years and comparable sources. Anything unusual or which requires further explanation is fed back to Police Scotland for their attention. Any amendments are carried out and the final data is used to produce a set of data tables which can be used to check the final dataset. During the quality assurance checking process, it is possible for errors to be found in data for previous years. Whilst figures are not routinely revised, any changes or corrections made to previously published data are suitably explained in line with the [Scottish Government’s guidance on Producing Official Statistics]( Care is taken when processing, quality assuring and analysing the data, however this is occasionally subject to the inaccuracies that are inherent in any large administrative recording system. Further details of the quality assurance process can be found in the [Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland: user guide]( xsd:string
References dcterms:references
Primary source of detailed and reliable information on recorded crimes and offences in Scotland. Statistics on recorded crime and offences inform the Scottish Government’s [Vision for Justice in Scotland]( This was published in February 2022 and sets out a transformative vision for the whole justice system in Scotland. The 2022 strategy outlines how the Scottish Government will transform the justice system, through recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Further information on users and uses of the statistics is provided in the [Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland: user guide]( xsd:string
Revisions and corrections to this publication are dealt with in accordance with the [Scottish Government’s guidance on Producing Official Statistics]( xsd:string
Theme dcat:theme
Scottish Government
Crime and Justice
Timeliness and Punctuality
This data covers incidents recorded over 12 months between 1 April to 31 March, from 1996/97 to 2023/24. The statistical bulletin is published approximately three months after the end of the year in question. This is to allow Police Scotland’s statisticians to collate the required information, as well as the time needed to allow for quality checking the data. The publication date is advertised four to six weeks in advance on the Scottish Government website [Official Statistics: forthcoming publication calendar]( xsd:string
Title dcterms:title
Recorded Crimes and Offences xsd:string
Type rdf:type
Data set
In Graph
Structure qb:structure
Type rdf:type
Data set
Machine-readable formats

In addition to this bookmarkable html page, this dataset metadata is also available for our robot customers in the following machine-readable formats. Please refer to the API documentation for more details.

dataset metadata JSON RDF/XML Turtle N-Triples Atom