


Key Facts


  1. A
    1. Adult Disability Payment: Applications and Payments
    2. Attendance Allowance
  2. B
    1. Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods: Applications
    2. Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods: Expenditure
  3. C
    1. Carer's Allowance Supplement
    2. Child Benefit - Children
    3. Child Benefit - Families
    4. Child Disability Payment: Applications and Payments
    5. Child Winter Heating Assistance
    6. Children in Low Income Families
    7. Council Tax Collection Rates
  4. D
    1. Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS)
    2. Discretionary Housing Payments Applications
    3. Discretionary Housing Payments Awards
    4. Discretionary Housing Payments Determinations
    5. Discretionary Housing Payments Expenditure
  5. E
    1. Earnings
    2. Economic Activity
    3. Economic Inactivity
    4. Employment
    5. Employment and Support Allowance
  6. F
    1. Funeral Support Payment: Applications and Payments
  7. I
    1. Income Support Claimants
  8. J
    1. Job Related Training
    2. Job Seeker's Allowance Claimants
    3. Job Start Payment: Applications and Payments
  9. P
    1. Pension Credits
    2. Personal Insolvency
    3. Personal Tax Credits: Number of Children
    4. Personal Tax Credits: Number of Families
  10. S
    1. Scottish Child Payment: Applications and Payments
    2. Scottish Child Payment: Caseload
    3. Scottish Welfare Fund Applications
    4. Scottish Welfare Fund Expenditure
    5. Social Security Scotland Feedback: Complaint Outcomes
    6. Social Security Scotland Feedback: Complaints
    7. Social Security Scotland Feedback: Compliments
    8. Social Security Scotland Feedback: Suggestions
    9. Social Security Scotland: clients equalities with application outcome
    10. Social Security Scotland: clients equalities with application outcome to December 2019
    11. Social Security Scotland: clients responding to equality forms
    12. Social Security Scotland: clients responding to equality forms to December 2019
  11. U
    1. Unemployment Model Based Estimates
  12. W
    1. Winter Heating Payment
    2. Working Age Claimants Of Key Benefits
  13. Y
    1. Young Carer Grant Applications and Payments
  1. 6
    1. 6-in-1 Immunisation
  2. A
    1. Age of First Time Mothers
    2. Alcohol Related Hospital Discharges
    3. Alcohol Related Hospital Statistics
    4. Alcohol use ever among young people (SALSUS)
    5. Ante-Natal Smoking
  3. B
    1. Breastfeeding
  4. C
    1. Cancer Registrations (1997 to 2009)
    2. Cancer Registrations - Annual Data
    3. Care Homes: Admissions, Discharges and Deaths
    4. Care Homes: Average Age of Residents
    5. Care Homes: Demographic Characteristics of Residents
    6. Care Homes: Health Characteristics of Residents
    7. Care Homes: Length Of Stay
    8. Care Homes: Number of Homes
    9. Care Homes: Occupancy Rate
    10. Care Homes: Places
    11. Care Homes: Type Of Stay
    12. Care Homes: Weekly Charges and Sources of Funding
    13. Child Dental Health
    14. Covid-19: Scottish Contact Survey
  5. D
    1. DTP/Pol/Hib Immunisation
    2. Delayed Discharges - Monthly Bed Days Occupied
    3. Delayed Discharges - Monthly Census
    4. Disability - Scottish Surveys Core Questions
    5. Disability Living Allowance
    6. Disability Living Allowance (Care Component)
    7. Drinking behaviour among young people (SALSUS)
    8. Drinking behaviour and emotional and behavioural problems (SALSUS)
    9. Drug Related Hospital Discharge
    10. Drug use behaviour among young people (SALSUS)
    11. Drug use behaviour and deprivation (SALSUS)
  6. E
    1. Emergency Repeat Admissions
  7. G
    1. General Health - Scottish Surveys Core Questions
    2. General Practice List Size
  8. H
    1. Headcount of General Practice Workforce
    2. Home Care Client Group
    3. Home Care Client Living Arrangements
    4. Home Care Clients
    5. Home Care Services
    6. Hospital Admissions
  9. I
    1. Intensive Home Care
  10. L
    1. Low Birthweight
  11. M
    1. Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) Immunisation
    2. Mental Wellbeing - Scottish Surveys Core Questions
  12. N
    1. New clients presenting at specialist drug treatment services (SDMD)
    2. Number of General Practices with Registered Patients
  13. P
    1. Palliative and End of Life Care
    2. Primary 1 BMI Distribution
    3. Primary 1 Children Body Mass Index - Clinical
    4. Primary 1 Children Body Mass Index - Epidemiological
  14. S
    1. Scottish Health Survey-Local area level data
    2. Scottish Health Survey-Scotland level data by SIMD
    3. Scottish Health Survey-Scotland level data by age
    4. Scottish Health Survey-Scotland level data by equivalised income
    5. Scottish Health Survey-Scotland level data by long-term conditions
    6. Scottish Health Survey-Scotland level data by sex
    7. Smoking - Scottish Survey Core Questions
    8. Smoking behaviour and self-rated health (SALSUS)
    9. Smoking prevalence and deprivation (SALSUS)
    10. Smoking prevalence in young people (SALSUS)
    11. Social Work Staffing
  15. U
    1. Unpaid Care Provision - Scottish Surveys Core Questions


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Boundary data: Copyright Scottish Government, contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right (2018)

Postcode data: Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and Database right 2020. Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.


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